We are a tech-driven retailer focused on crafting smarter shopping experiences. Our split concept builds the bridge between past and future archive. Through both ecommerce and select editorial content, we endeavour to connect our hand-picked community of private clients and luxury brands through thought-provoking dimensions. Our editorial content is focused on producing intelligent and thoughtful writing on everything from art, pop culture, music and film, often not discussing fashion directly at all. Rather, using fashion as a lens through which to understand the world. In our ‘You’ section, the platform utilises advanced analytics, data mining, and artificial intelligence to segment customer profiles, after which the data is used to deliver personalised “filterless” digital navigation to select & connect our handpicked community of private clients towards a more refined and personal shopping experience.
Founded in Melbourne, in 2017, TYiJA is the metamorphosis of Aoyama Archive by Sebastian Supel. Started humbly as a guerilla ‘anti-concept’ concept store with a focus on archive informed by broad research encompassing history and nostalgia, whilst retaining a focus on forecasted emerging trends - making the past relevant today. TYiJA will combine a careful selection of archive in combination with contemporary emerging and mature international labels.
We are a tech-driven retailer focused on crafting smarter shopping experiences. Our split concept builds the bridge between past and future archive. Through both ecommerce and select editorial content, we endeavour to connect our hand-picked community of private clients and luxury brands through thought-provoking dimensions. Our editorial content is focused on producing intelligent and thoughtful writing on everything from art, pop culture, music and film, often not discussing fashion directly at all. Rather, using fashion as a lens through which to understand the world. In our ‘You’ section, the platform utilises advanced analytics, data mining, and artificial intelligence to segment customer profiles, after which the data is used to deliver personalised “filterless” digital navigation to select & connect our handpicked community of private clients towards a more refined and personal shopping experience.
Founded in Melbourne, in 2017, TYiJA is the metamorphosis of Aoyama Archive by Sebastian Supel. Started humbly as a guerilla ‘anti-concept’ concept store with a focus on archive informed by broad research encompassing history and nostalgia, whilst retaining a focus on forecasted emerging trends - making the past relevant today. TYiJA will combine a careful selection of archive in combination with contemporary emerging and mature international labels.